Taking Pause

In Reflect

 What is life if we aren’t taking the time to be in it?

Today, find a moment. Take a pause. See your life.

It is allowing a moment of reflection in the midst of chaos. It is the act of stopping. Halting whatever activity or life moment you may be in. To see all the elements that work together as a whole or make the choice to focus on one moment and let it stand out above the others.


It is the art of allowing the weight of your life to settle in the recesses of your spirit.

It is the gift of letting a moment affect you. Potentially change you. Taking pause to see your life in the moment instead of letting all the moments slip by. To make the choice to put down the camera, journal, busywork of any kind and just let something seep into your soul. To stop moving from moment to moment and just let things be.

It is the ability to stop and let life settle. It gives power to the moment, the experience, the person.


It is the intentional choice not to miss your life. To choose to see it. Hear it. Be in it. Taste it. Let it sink deep instead of allowing it to shallowly pass through.

It is a savoring of a change of season, a change of life, a change of heart. To savor what was and what will be. To be thoughtful of who you are right now, right where you are. It is not judgement or guilt or shame. It is awareness and acceptance.

It is the idea that your life is worth living, worth noticing, worth appreciating. That there is power in your life if you took time to see it and nurture it. To cultivate it in love.

It is the gift of life. Deep, rich, fulfilling life that you took a moment to appreciate.


It is how we can see where you were and where you are going. To give you ownership of the choices you made or acceptance of what just happens to be.

It is the opportunity to change course. To fully see who you are and reflect on if that is who you really want to be. To find conviction in courage to chase dreams and find purpose.



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